These first shows will Explore the Possibilities…available right here…right now…to take Actions Intended to place us into a Flow of Life and Consciousness never known before. It is Empowering to Experience these Possibilities within us as they take place at both the physical and metaphysical levels of Existence. It’s a Way of Living…of Being…in our Everyday Lives that makes our day to day World into an Enchanting, Mysterious Movement that is…a Second Genesis Birth. This Series of radio shows will answer questions you’ve always Wondered…it will bring the Beginnings of a Peace you’ve known was Possible but could not quite Grasp and Own…until NOW!
Chaos in the World- Keep Choosing Love, with Debara Bruhn Towt
Love By Intuition Radio with lovely Host Deborah Beauvias TALK LIVE show
JUNE 2023
Finding Our way… Every Day …
To A Brighter Future
You won’t want to miss this show… It’s one-of-a-kind! Be there or be Square
On this show Adam’t Gardener is asking all the questions….
This episode has Debara sharing amazing advances into her own Second Genesis Life & Times. Her Resolute Desire to understand the Changes taking place in her Body, Heart & Mind & Spirit have surfaced in an evermore concentrated, Communication from the Divine.
February 2023
episode 4 of 1
This month’s show has Adam’t “in the House” sharing with us some Personal Insights he has gained over the years about this time of the year…the Winter Solstice…the Holly Daize …we find ourselves in…and how we may all “See Our Lives” through those Ancient Eyes that are Upon and Within Mankind. It’s a show that will leave you feeling a Hope for Yourself…in this Moment and into the Future and for Humanity. The show adds to the others before it, bringing with it’s Message the Shifts of Perception we all so earnestly want to Experience taking place in our Lives.
Happy Valentine Month!!
Relationships & The Second Genesis Awakening
This episode brings into focus the Inter-Personal Relationships that exist between those Engaging a Second Genesis Awakening and Lifestyle. Your Host, Debara, brings adam’t back for some Wonder Filled Insights into how each of us Evolve as Individuals…as Partners, Companions and Friends…and of course, Family. You won’t want to miss this Look Into the Intimate Nature of how Human Life can be Lived. Debara calls this show…RShow…which Spontaneously Unfolded from the Moment the Show began. Debara Shares some Amazing Events that have been Pivotal for her in her Quest into The Second Genesis Awakening Age in which we all live and adam’s Offers his Perspective on those Events and how each one has Affected Our LIfe Together.
It’s that time of year…a Changing Season of Renewal, Rebirth and Birth. Explore the simple actions we can take to bring ourselves more into that Enchanting & Magical Way to be Human in our daily lives. We have a Body…it is a Gift from a Living Universe…find out more about Becoming an Integral Harmonic in the greater Universal Harmonic of Life.
Adam’t & Debara Spring into a Spontaneous conversation …. Here is dot matrix poster that they were experiencing & talking about in the middle of the show & Debara said they would post it here for you …
Lady Liberty
Back in the day the picture you see here was called a dot matrix poster created by early versions of CAD…Computer Assisted Design programs. There is an image in this “scattering” of “blotches” that actually gives the viewer an image of the Statue of LIberty, the New York City skyline and a rising Sun. The way to see the image is by focusing on a certain point either in front of the actual poster about 12″ or behind the poster about 12″. One vision is called divergent…the other convergent…because of how the eyes do not focus in normal parallel vision. It is an Amazing Event to develop this natural ability we all have. If you normally wear glasses it works best to take them off.
When Adam’t brought up the image on his computer he was able to immediately pull the image into view.
May 2022
JUNE & JULY 2022
Living In A Phenomenal Life
This week begins with Debara & Adam’t Gardener: Living In A Phenomenal Life that take the Listener into the Phenomenal Nature of Being Human. There are Aspects to being-Human…the Nature of Time, Human Language, both Spoken and Unspoken, Emotion & Thoughts, the Dream State of Human Existence, Human Imagination & Invention, Music & Ancient Sounds and more. It’s not all going to fit into just one show. This is the Beginning of several Shows that will Assist the Listener to “Follow the Heart and Passion” to begin…to take Actions…Exercises if you will to Engage the Living Consciousness embodied in the four fundamental elements of Air, Fire, Earth & Water plus all Living Creatures including the Elemental World of Mineralsfound in the crusts of the earth all around the world
December 2022
New episode 3 of 1