This page is reserved for biographies and Story Lines of our Guest Commentators that we have had and continue to have on The Second Genesis Awakening Radio Show. Some of these folks are Friends and some are Members of our Wee Community while others are just Great Supporters of America’s Second Genesis Awakenings.
We welcome guest Susan Whiting as she Shares Her Struggles and Success…
Real with Miracles
Susan Whiting was a first generation college graduate. Headed for medical school, she had to cut it short with the demands of children and family. She earned a degree in medical technology. After 20 years of working in that western medicine model, she became disillusioned with the disparity between treatments and results. Going back to school, she obtained a master’s degree in the behavioral health sciences. Seeing a vision inside herself of a Wholeness that didn’t exist in the western science model…armed with greater insights into human behavior and healing…she found her Passion working with University students for a Vision of Wholeness and Wellness that was not available through the standard courses being taught at that time. Susan was a first generation college graduate headed for medical school. She had to cut it short with the demands of children and family, earning a degree in medical technology.
Susan Comes Alive with Organic Gardening
Susan Climbs Sydney Bridge at 70 Years Old…
And as so many of us have been, Susan found herself struggling with health issues. Seeking out the Garden, she found personal Insights into Healing and Wholeness that now came from a place of Experience through the plant kingdom of life. She’s “on the hot seat” this week Sharing some of her life’s Story of struggles and success. Being a first year baby boomer, born in 1946, you won’t want to miss her Story of climbing the Sidney Harbor Bridge overlooking the Opera House in Australia this past January of 2017. Susan’s 70 and getting younger and stronger every year.
Rene’ Locklear White, Lumbee Indian Live at the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian Sept 8-9, 2017 A Historical Event
Indigenous, Healing Plant Super~Stars that Heal Prevent Cancer, Control Diabetes and even calm a Bee Sting with our gifted Guest Rene’ Locklear White, Lumbee Indian who is LIVE at the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian Sept 8-9, 2017 A Historical Event …
“It is neither your title nor your name that defines you, but what is written on your heart,”– René White (Feather)
Rene’ Locklear White White with Dr. Freda Porter Lumbee Tribal Administarot & Cynthia Locklear … Rene’s Mentor & Surprise Honored Guest is Lumbee Tribal Administrator Dr. Freda Locklear Porter Scientific Freda Locklear Porter received the 2010 Stellar Award from the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce. Porter was named the 2009 N.C. Minority Business Person of the Year and the 2007 UNCP Business Person of the Year. She was appointed Chairwoman of the North Carolina Advisory Commission on Military Affairs in 2012.
Chris White
The Truth about Knowledge
Today we will be exploring with our featured guest Chris White, The three places God and we observer where Science has come a point beyond physical prayer, meditation, voice: speaking also how Water and Food carry Knowledge … Where does this knowledge come from & how can the knowledge from food water make a difference?
Between 2008-2009 Chris received a prophetic dream of one tribe of people coming together that pleased Great Spirit and reached backward and forward in generations.
“One Tribe, One People”
The first of these people would be Native Americans in spirit, but include people from every race, religion and background. The premise is that these people would come to an understanding of the “Native Way” of life: love and revere the Creator; which includes respecting creation, i.e., “Mother Earth;” and the revelation of “Yeshua,” “Messiah,” “Jesus Christ,” “The Great Mystery,”
Enjoy this one hour radio show with Chris White from Sanctuary on the Trail…Chris Shares His Insights about “When The Spoken Word Becomes Medicine…”
Art by Chris
A Special broadcast on The Second Genesis Awakenings™ Radio Show With The Wisdom Story Tellers We Give our Declaration of Peace
A Special broadcast on The Second Genesis Awakenings™ Radio Show With Host, Debara Bruhn Towt … Broadcast December 25th & 26th 2017 & January 1st & 2nd 2018 ….What an Honor & Privileged it is to welcome Our Guest: Deborah Beauvias, Liane Buck, Rene Locklear White, Linda “BrightHawk” Mooney & Susan Whiting as We welcome you to come be apart of our ceremony as we reconnect with the healthy, Instinctual, visionary attributes of Storysharing. In doing this, we retrieve, examine & discover deeper Understanding of the Medicine we each carry. I am grateful to have with us women living here in America Passionately Giving of Service. Today’s Wisdom Story Tellers who are sharing a Second Genesis Awakenings, Manifesto
Come Join Our Radio Show…just click on the play button below…Enjoy!
Our Celebration with Our Spotlight Guest Violet Laviolette from Our Human Accelerator online Community
Violet Laviolette is and has always been infinitely curious and passionate about following the lead and call of Spirit in her life. Even as a small child she knew that she was just not like everyone else in the way she saw and heard things. As a lifelong student and participant in many paths of spirituality and human divinity, she has studied and applied her learnings as guides to creating her own life and helping others to also embrace and envision their own divine beauty and greatness. Her emersion into becoming an involved member in many spiritual and belief paths (too numerous to list here) has given her firsthand experience with the various paths of religious and spiritual studies not just through book or seminar applications. She has been blessed to gain understanding how these paths weave together to develop her and her intuitive, empathic and healing gifts. She relies upon the whispers of Spirit for her guidance and direction. Violet has been blessed through her work to have traveled and experienced many amazing things, cultures, people and places. Yet to her the most amazing of all is helping and encouraging another to awaken to their true divine self. She is also a Reiki Master, ordained priest in the Order of Melchizedek, Hypnotherapist, Crystal Bowl chant and vibrational worker and amateur herbalist. Violet has 4 grown children and 6 grandchildren. She is a Buddhist practitioner and serves in her local temple in social outreach, teaching and preparing vegetarian/vegan meals. There is always more to learn, apply and absorb in order to rise to the next levels of self-realization and being an impactful global family member. As such she looks forward to the continued journey and being open to gathering together all she has learned and experienced into a facilitation and guidance for others seeking to expand their path. You never know where Spirit will lead you if you are open and listen for that special voice and heart promptings. It’s an amazing journey.
The Hurricane Relief Efforts: Indian Village Response Team in North Carolina ~ hurricane Florence 2018
We welcome to The Second Genesis Awakenings ™
Radio show, with host Debara Bruhn Towt. As she Welcome’s, Elders Chris (Comeswithclouds),as he share’s with us today
his wisdom of…What Collective Prayers can do. Plus, hands on Awareness into the many ways that we can come together. As we gather together in support of the #Lumbee community in this time of devastation in North Carolina & Blessing All LIFE ….. PRAYERS OF THE CHILDREN … .
.We may have a surprise with a dear guest who joined us from NC. We welcome…Honored Guest Administrator…Dr. Freda Locklear Porter for the Lumbee Tribe of NC … this is…A ~ sharing …..Heart to Heart for all to hear the clarion call …. How we all make a difference. Dr. Porter…in every breath…lives to serve the people. We all joined in prayer on the show asking for clarity and help …
Click here to Listen to Our Broadcast :
Thank you for all of your prayers, love and support for the Lumbee tribe of N.C, with your financial aid for the Lumbee Tribe in it’s devastation 2018 Hurricane Florence!! As we came together to …Reduce Suffering through the Hurricane Relief Fund…Learn more about: The Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina Here:
Unity IS The Key … These times are Defining us Moment by Moment
I am delighted to have Deborah Beauvias, with her Intuitive sharing of letting go of 2018 as we Move forward into 2019…Deborah shares her divine wisdom and light in this 1 hour show. We, Deborah and myself express what we have hearing from each & everyone of you, our listeners, our friends and our families…
Deborah Beauvais is the Founder/Owner Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network as well as Empowered Connections both created out of love with a vision to consciously serve humanity. Through Empowered Connections Deborah mentors souls to go within to identify their own individual Light, to find unconditional love for self and others. She is the founder of Kids 4 Love, a project and enrichment program that teaches elementary children unconditional love. In addition DeborahCreated Kids 4 Love Project Radio Show~ celebrating kids who are making a difference. She is an intuitive and facilitator of Light as a Reconnective Healing™ and The Reconnection™Practitioner trained by Dr. Eric Pearl. Hosting her syndicated radio show Love By Intuition since 2004, Deborah feels the time is now for humanity to awaken to the magnificence of life itself and All That Is.
“Love by Intuition, the brainchild of Deborah Beauvais, is a remarkable hour apart from a world held spellbound by ego’s definition of love. Though love plays out in so many scenarios, Deborah brings her listeners to an expanded awareness of relationships one interview at a time. Just finding a partner and sticking with them for a lifetime does not make a success of a relationship. Combining her unique counseling and insight with interviews from today’s leading luminaries and relationship specialists, listeners learn relationships are successful only if they provide both parties with a way to keep learning about themselves and the world around them; That all love begins with loving self before it can be reflected from without. Kudos to Beauvais for cracking open the inner heart of the soul!“
You Can listen Here:
I was delighted to be a Guest with Host Deborah Beauvais on her Love By Intuition Radio Show Janurary 2019 with Plant Based Food Tips and Healthy Recipes Organic Plant based Diet
We Welcome our miracle friend Logan Fowlke
who is living a resilient life with a triumphant turn about in living from an Organic Plant Based diet.A young man with a story of love and hope for us, All… Who is making a Difference ! Thank you for sharing your life with us here on The Our Second Genesis Awakenings™ Radio HourBorn and raised on a vegetarian diet, although my family did have fish and turkey occasionally. But mostly in my younger years my diet consisted of lots of salads, green and vegetable juices and as I got older- fasting and cleansing.I was vegetarian up until I was 17, which is when I got my drivers license. I realized that I had the freedom to drive, go with my friends and get junk food. Then when I was 19 and a half I went to Knoxville TN for a service mission- there is where I indulged in the yummy food of the south. Over the course of 2 years I started noticing a few colds, sore throats and low energy. A few years after returning home, I noticed one morning I woke up and I had a strange pain in my big toe. I didn’t know what this was or what was going on with me. My folks suggested that I clean up my diet- so I did and that seemed to help. But I hadn’t quite learned my lesson, fast forward 8 and a half years later I noticed that my whole body was starting to retain fluid- didn’t know what this was about. A holistic doctor that I had been going to suggested that I take my blood pressure and the results were not pretty so I had my parents take me to the emergency room. After the doctors did some testing they admitted me to the ICU, and by the next morning they informed me that I had stage 4 renal (kidney) failure that was caused from all the years of me suffering from gout and also from having been born with small kidneys. Right then and there as I was laying in the hospital bed- my father who has always been a strong health advocate challenged me to learn my lesson again about how important it is to follow a plant based diet… following a vegan diet. So it has taken time and I still have some work to do, but as I continue to see this getting well through, I do believe that eating a plant based diet is the way to go!!
Enjoy April’s…Second Genesis Awakenings…
AND…Back by Popular Demand is Our Own, Susan’s Humanitarian Garden with ….
April’s…in the Garden…Sermon
Here’s what Max Whiting loves to do and makes it fun for everyone when he’s not working along with our wonderful guest Susan Whiting who is back by popular demand with an encore. More from their Humanitarian Gardening..A show on Gardening Tips.. Why All Organic Gardening? Prevention. The class is local where Susan facilitates at the health center and is called the, I AM FUNDAMENTALS .. How we use it in our Second Genesis Lives… and much more. After 25 years in Higher Education as a mental wellness and therapist, Susan retired to working her own land. As an organic and humanitarian gardener her and Max give fresh fruits and vegetables to others and teach them how to grow food to restore their own health while reducing pollution on the planet. listen Here:
The History of Organic with Rodale Institute’s Margaret Wilson. We appreciate and are thrilled to welcome to the show Margaret Wilson sharing with us the history of Organic origins at the Rodale Institute. How can we can Mitigate the Climate change? …She shares what ‘s happening with the many Research projects that are being conducted at the Institute. I have many questions that I know our listeners are asking…
Margaret Wilson who produces written content and handles media inquiries for
Rodale Institute. Margaret earned her B.A. in Political Science/Environmental Studies from Franklin & Marshall College, and her M.A. in Environmental Policy from Lehigh University. Previously, she worked on environmental policy management in both the public and non-profit sectors.
The Second Genesis Radio hour welcomes the 31- Day Food Food Revolution: Heal Your Body, Feel Great & Transform your Word, your Story with this Walking Radio Hour Host, with Ocean Robins. We are honored and thrilled to share a living legend and a legacy of Love for our planet, sharing a wealth of health for this Nation that is growing stronger.We welcome our guest, Ocean Robbins, who is an author of the newly released book, 31- Day Food Revolution: Heal Your Body, Feel Great & Transform your world. He serves as a CEO and cofounder of the 500,000-plus-member food Revolution Network-one of the largest communities of healthy eating advocates on the planet.
Ocean has held hundreds of live seminars and events that have touched millions of lives in 190 nations. His grandfather founded Baskin-Robbins, and his father, John Robbins walked away from the family company to write bestsellers like Diet for a New America and to become a renowned health advocate.
Now, Ocean is on a mission to transform the industrialized food culture into one that celebrates and supports healthy people and a healthy planet. Ocean has been featured in TIME, Audubon, USA Today, The New York Times and The Washington Post and more…
There are more than 7 billion parts to play in transforming our world into a sustainable future for all Mankind. Each of us have a unique path, coming out of our histories, our struggles and devastations into our dreams for the future. Whatever love, nurturance, opportunities and privileges have been given to us, they’re ours now. In this precious, wild and crazy thing we call our lives, what choices will we make?
What will be our impact upon this planet and upon those with whom we share it?— Ocean Robbins
The Second Genesis Radio hour with host Debara Bruhn Towt who is Honored and Delighted to welcome to the show ~Plant Pioneer’s ~ “Hidden in Plant Sight” … In Awe of Life !! Remarkable with the Citizen’s Science ..New discoverer’s for a NEW CONVERSATION … with the Plant Kingdom. Respect for all Nature and topic: Respect for all of nature organisms/Plant Intelligence/and Music of the Plants .. with featured guest’s
Marguerite Uhlmann-Bower, RN, Clinical Herbalist, Wild Crafter and co-founder of Plant Pioneer ~she is lead project trainer and researcher in the human-plant sensory exchange. Through felt frequencies (Music of the Plants and altered states of mind) ~ to learn more click the Picture Icon below
Bonnie Kavanagh who is a second generation nurse and herbalist with over 35 years experience in health care
Barbara Aspland-Wolf Herbalist, Flower Essence Practitioner and Reiki Master/Teacher. She is passionate about her family, organic gardening, plant communication, the outdoors, and photography. Barbara is very active as a Scientist on board with the Board of Plant Pioneer’s with Music of the Plants.
We Welcome back to the Second Genesis Awakenings™
Radio show by Popular demand Logan Fowlke
Logan Fowlke Our Miracle friend who is living a resilient life in the mist of A life threatening illness while being on Kidney dialysis, weekly Logan shares with us his story of life & how he is living a Triumphant turn about sharing with us his journey of healing, living from a Organic Plant Based Diet . A Young Man who is making a Difference. This is such an inspiring Show . You Can contact Logan @ :
Story Walking Radio Hour Host, Wendy Nadherny Fachon Talks About Empowering Young People, Sustainable Awareness, Ideas and Creativity
You’re in for a treat …WE GIVE THANKS EVERY DAY!
We Welcome …Creative… Sensible… solutions. Let’s engage with Earth… with Spirit… and with one another… heart to heart… to solve problems and co-create more meaningful life stories with Wendy Fachon, Host of the Story Walking Radio Hour is a part of D7RN’s Sustainability Regeneration & Green platform shows
Heart to Heart … Debara & Wendy’s conversation brings about a whole new shift-in spiritual awareness for walking your story and life’s journey …
Story Walking Radio Hour Host, Wendy Nadherny Fachon empowers young people, by showing how to step forward into each new life learning adventure with clarity, confidence and positive energy. Through the process of Story Walking, Wendy introduces us to the unsung hero of America’s ideal of liberty, Roger Williams. In 1636, Williams became the founding father and guiding light for the small state of Rhode Island. As we express our gratitude in celebrating the independent Spirit of America, we advocate for Williams’s story to be shared and celebrated in American History school curriculum-everywhere .Wendy began her youth work training in the school of life by observing and listening to her own daughter and son as they faced the challenges of growing up with bullying, fickle friends, and tough teachers. When her nephews, aged 5 and 7, lost their father on 9/11, she joined the boys and her sister on their bumpy journey along the road to recovery from deep trauma and upheaval….
Learn more about Roger Williams at:
Listen Here to the Show Here:
Learn more at, email or call 401529-6830. Connect with Wendy to order copies of Fiddlesticks, The Angel Heart or Storywalker Wild Plant Magic Cards.Subscribe to Wendy’s blog Writing with Wendy at Wendy on facebook at
Mike Schmaeling ~developed innovative breeding techniques to better isolate mating when “splitting” colonies. Last year, he says he roughly tripled his colonies, which then suffered 50% mortality. Learn what happening with the colonies in 2020.
Michael manages and maintains the Institute’s treatment-free honeybee conservancy, where he selectively breeds healthy queens to create new colonies. Additionally, he is the manager of the Rodale Institute Founder’s Campus. Michael shares ,” GMO pollen contamination challenges like these heighten Michael’s determination to strengthen and diversify his families of bees. “I’m not going to focus on why the bees are dying, I’m going to focus on why my bees are surviving” Listen Here:
8~ 24 ~ 2020
“Labyrinth of the Soul-filled Heart” with the living Soulfully…
Janice Brooks
Everyone Janice greets feels the electric charge of life that touches & spark’s soulful recognition that something great is about to happen. Brooks with her long time Journey of enrichment, is no stranger to Cultural change . Her experience as the former director of an insight and energetic Healing Retreat program and CEO, that company was on of the Top-3 rated spa’s in the world as reported by Travel & Leisure.
Her company offers strategic, communication, public affairs, corporate social responsibility and she calls it… “Labyrinth of the Soul-filled Heart”. Included is CSR analysis, crisis management, constituency, & community advocacy, organizational development training and business diplomacy. She has consultation services, is an executive and leadership coach, public affairs consultant, journalist, professional speaker, community activist, actor, storyteller and poet who is currently the Community Hospice Chaplain as she provides end of life spiritual support and facilitates bedside sacred vigil ceremonies, for dying and for loved ones…
Janice holds a Bachelor of science Degree in Criminal Justice from Arizona State. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice from Arizona State University and has a Master’s of Public Affairs from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She held a Q-top Secret clearance and was a Security specialist for the Department of Energy for Nine Years.
For this episode, I Intuitively invited Janice to come be us for this conversation … Food for yhe Soul.
It’s all about~Collective Cultural change, as we experience our world changing (the seasons of life and nature) … Meanderings on social transformation which is all about, us…. Our spiritual chrysalis ….blood, bones and breath regulation .. Our Possibilities & Our Opportunities Into what is Essential to move forward with Agency & Responsibility .. An Awakening to an intensity ONE of Synergy for a power-filled 2020 of HOPE …
Carol Letkey Visionary Founder of The Village of Many Nations sharing stories with us of her hands-on experiences of harmony. Carol lived at the village among the people, the tribes and elders actively engaged with the world visiting the Village of many Nations from countries from all around the world during the Spring, Summer & Fall. (2000 to 2011)Carol shares her experiences of hope inspired by great spirit every day, as the Native American’s shared their stories and dances and arts and crafts, walks to the medicine wheel & much more. learning tp build hogans, wickups with Tipi’s … Being Taught by the elder.. Many who are now gone….
In the second half of the show Susan Whiting shares with us what we lovingly call the Organic Humanity Gardens
Susan is a strong willed Women who takes action and lives from the heart .. Debara has questions about what is happening now in in each of their communities? ~ Susan with Organic Gardening feeding 100 families & Carol each share ways to reach out in Covid-19 to families In Navajo & Hopi communities, The Hopi Outreach program ..And how can we help. They tells us about Women reaching out to touch hearts with Spiritual food and food to sustain our bodies. Susan said ” more people are doing good than is reported on the news.”… KIND ACTS …Carol Said,” Make New friends, but always keep the old freinds for one is silver and the other is gold.“Let us always keep making a positive difference with our families .. each other and in our communities…Stay Safe .. Blessings to you all… Thank you Great Creator !!!
Here is where you can give to feed a family … Mike Sweat ..
Hopi OutReach
For 25 years, I have been going to Hopi land at Christmas time. We have delivered many semi loads each year helping the elderly and those in need. Due to the fact that the Hopi tribe has been hit hard with the Covid we will not be doing our Hopi Outreach in person this year. Instead, we will be delivering food coupons for the elderly. Our goal is to have 200 elderly families receive $70 worth of food that they can redeem at McGee‘s Trading Post on the Hopi reservation. We are about halfway there and I am asking for any donation that you can possibly make to help an elderly. In order to succeed we need your help. Many thanks, in advance for all those who have helped in the past and for all the volunteers that have come each year and gave up their time and money to help those in need. To pay with PayPal please go to our website
Thank you!!
February ~ March 2021
Debara welcomes to the hour, lovely guest & friend, Katherine Scott, to share with us her inspiring, Journey of Healing, Plant based diet and much more….
In this new episode, she shares with us her Story… “I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in 1996. Called after Thomas Hodgkin who was a British pathologist who first described this “disease” in the early 1800’s.On that day I had no idea what Hodgkin’s Lymphoma was or that it was a type of “cancer”. I soon learned quite quickly. There was an urgency in the doctor’s recommendation that I meet with another member of staff who will detail my options to me. And for them there was only one option, which was chemotherapy.The mention of cancer frightened me and from that day until I read Ann Wigmore’s book “The Wheatgrass Book” I lived in fear.I began treatment shortly afterwards and the effects of that first treatment rendered me weak and in awful pain.
I didn’t know back then that the chemotherapy they injected me with was not curing me but instead adding to my clogged up lymphatic system. Because that is what my problem was…..A Blocked up Lymphatic System!The information about the raw and living food diet and wheat grass juice in Ann Wigmore’s book was so compelling and rang so true to me, I immediately adopted the program. As I experienced the diet and practiced the detoxification techniques, I experienced an extraordinary feeling of well being. At that point, I lost all fear of the disease returning and found unbounded hope based on a new-found knowledge and direct experience.Since that time, I have studied more about health and my confidence in the body healing itself has grown tremendously, provided you give it the foods that the human body is designed for, which is foods from the garden. Particularly fruits and greens in their natural state.
I taught healthy eating classes for eight years demonstrating recipes that didn’t need cooking. I ran a Raw Food Retreat center for awhile where people came and stayed for a week or more. I am passionate about helping people back to health. It is not a chore for me as I love it! I am from South West Ireland. Grew up on a farm for first part of my life. Lived for 9 years in Dublin city, 16 years in London and I have been living in Utah since 2007. I have 3 children and 3 grandchildren.”
Enjoy listening now :
Back by Popular demand … we will be hearing more..As Debara welcomes back to the hour a new episode with lovely guest & friend, Kathrine Scott who shares more about how the body knows how to heal itself, her plant based journey and her new classes on healthy eating as she demonstrates recipes that do not need cooking … Kirlian photography, how it shows more about the Photon energy frequency in fruits and Vegetables
Kathrine” I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in 1996. Called after Thomas Hodgkin who was a British pathologist who first described this “disease” in the early 1800’s.On that day I had no idea what Hodgkin’s Lymphoma was or that it was a type of “cancer”. I soon learned quite quickly. There was an urgency in the doctor’s recommendation that I meet with another member of staff who will detail my options to me. And for them there was only one option, which was chemotherapy.The mention of cancer frightened me and from that day until I read Ann Wigmore’s book “The Wheatgrass Book” I lived in fear.I began treatment shortly afterwards and the effects of that first treatment rendered me weak and in awful pain.
I didn’t know back then that the chemotherapy they injected me with was not curing me but instead adding to my clogged up lymphatic system. Because that is what my problem was…..A Blocked up Lymphatic System!The information about the raw and living food diet and wheat grass juice in Ann Wigmore’s book was so compelling and rang so true to me, I immediately adopted the program. As I experienced the diet and practiced the detoxification techniques, I experienced an extraordinary feeling of well being. At that point, I lost all fear of the disease returning and found unbounded hope based on a new-found knowledge and direct experience.Since that time, I have studied more about health and my confidence in the body healing itself has grown tremendously, provided you give it the foods that the human body is designed for, which is foods from the garden. Particularly fruits and greens in their natural state.
I taught healthy eating classes for eight years demonstrating recipes that didn’t need cooking. I ran a Raw Food Retreat center for awhile where people came and stayed for a week or more. I am passionate about helping people back to health. It is not a chore for me as I love it! I am from South West Ireland. Grew up on a farm for first part of my life. Lived for 9 years in Dublin city, 16 years in London and I have been living in Utah since 2007. I have 3 children and 3 grandchildren.”
August/ September
GROW what you eat & eat what you GROW
Our good friend Susan Whiting,
who we are blessed everyday by her friendship and bigger than life spirit ~ Is no stranger to organic gardening, from the start as young daughter Susan’s father instilled in her hard work as side by side she helped him while, planting and watching everything, GROW.. Plant’s fruit and nut tree’s flowers sprouting up as through tenacity she experienced that you do reap what you sow… Her favorite part of her & Max’s garden is what she refer’s to as God gift .. Volunteer plants that sprout up and are delicious .. mMMMM
Susan has healed from cancer of the thyroid as she knows the benefits of eating out of the garden…
Her daughter Tiffany, sharing with me her that mother, Susan is the best kept secret ever.. Susan is an educator, she went to the university of Utah and gained her master’s degree in family therapy, while raising 5 children.. She worked for over 35 years in the mental health services. Now, you can find her and husband Max in the garden feeding around 50 family’s all organic fruits and veggies whiling teaching them how to grow food to restore their own health by reducing pollution on the plant .. Susan is advocate for all to know the freedom of growing your own food. Her and Max have 10 children, 27 grand children and 2 great grand babies … from early spring to late fall you find them in there beautiful and amazing garden
We asked Max who is the Chief for Susan & Eternal Mate to share with us some recipes… You can modify it to what is best for you…
Enjoy …
Nut Meat
2 Cups Raw Pecan’s favorite taco seasoning’s to taste… add 2 tablespoon soy sauce .. Place in food processor blend to the texture of a meat paddy (burger)
Sauteed Cabbabe
1 onion & 1 medium cabbage to preferred size. Fry to golden brown, then add 2-3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar ~ then fold nut meats on top ….yummy
Homemade Tortilla’s
3 Cups StoneGround Flour Organic, 1 tsp sea salt, 1tsp baking powder & 1 Cup Water. Add 1/3 Cup Oil, (our favorite is Organic Sunflower, Expeller Pressed, which is cold or low temp pressed.
Mix dry ingredients first then add oil & water
Knead into a ball then cut into 8 pieces ~ fry at medium heat .. 1 minute on each side …
Touring with Susan in her Beloved Space on Earth
Here’s the Podcast for you’re listening Pleasure click to listen: